Car Alarms: When armed, blows acc fuse/dome lights, dash area, flip switch

QUESTION: I recently installed a valiant alarm in my 04 jeep.  Once installed the LED stayed lit.  I tried pressing the valet switch after key was in ignition at on position, but nothing happened and LED stayed lit.   When I arm the system my acc fuse blows - dome lights don't work, but alarm works fine.  When I disarm, the LED blinks anytime it senses something that would activate the alarm.

1. What could cause the fuse to blow?
2. Is it normal for the LED to blink when disarmed/off?

Thanks for any help!!!

ANSWER: Power is mis connected. You are shorting out fuses
because of that. Stop now before any real damage
can occur.

I would STRONGLY consider removing the wires
done already, and then take it to a pro to finish
it off. You are on the wrong polarity wire, and can cause
severe damage to the car's componants.
There's no pride lost in having someone who does
this for a living get in there to assist.
Please take this to someone who can help
you complete the job safely.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I got the power issue resolved by connecting alarm ignition wire to the correct
ignition wire on my jeep.

Now my only issue is that the LED stays lit when it's unarmed. Any idea what
may be causing this?

ANSWER: Should be no problem really.
It appears from your expaination, that the
after market car alarm is in service mode.

Ok, try this.
Put the key in the ignition, and turn forward
all the way just before cranking. Then within
5 seconds, press and hold in the valet/overide
button, found under the dash area, usually to the
left of the leg drilled into a hidden away spot,
until the installed LED (the blinking light)
in your dash area goes off, and the siren chirps twice.
(Your valet switch might be the toggle (on/off) type.
in this case, key on, flip switch in oposite direction,
key off.)

This should reset the alarm.

Just Repeat these steps to place it
back to valet mode.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: That was the first thing I tried and confirmed that it was not in valet mode.  Could it be caused by the dome light or door trigger?  I have an 04 Jeep Wrangler and wonder if I need to disconnect the negative, like on a Ford...

That's hard to say what the problem could
be without first hand inspection. Pretty involved
to go into here any longer so please, if you
would, restate this question in my installers
forum at and see if
my resident technicians there can assist
with this project. More eyes on this may shake
an idea loose.

They can go into a more detailed assistance
you might need on this project.

Good luck there.