QuestionMy daughter had a fender bender, we were able to drive the car home, but once my husband shut the car off, then tried to turn it back on it said "security tamper." We have just purchased this car from someone and have no idea how to get the car running again.
Answer:>( Bad news I am afraid.
Somewhere along the way, the passlock system
was reset. This is a problem.
This vehicle has a the PASSLOCK II key
based engine disabling system.
You can attempt to put the key in the ignition,
turn it on to just before cranking and then leaving
it that way for 10 mins. After that,
some PASSLOCK systems will re learn the code
and allow for starting. But if not, the system
will need to be seen by GM service for resetting/
repairing the passlock system, likely damaged
in the fender bender.
I can not speak about a damaged passlock system,
like if a thief has destroyed it, because I do not
get into this part of GM'S security application.
But from your explaination, this is the issue GM will
Sorry, not always the best news here.
But it's honest.
Kind Regards,
Robert Martin-ALARMTEK/CEO
Master Technician
Mobile Security Electronics