Car Alarms: Factory Car alarm, eskimo village, shock sensor
QuestionWe own a 1994 Ford Explorer. We recently moved from Seattle area to an Eskimo village in Alaska. There are 2 very small repair shops here but my husband was told they dont know about security systems. Recently our transmitter stopped working and i played with it until it allowed me to start and us the car and from that point on i only used the key to get in and out and the red button next to the steering wheel was always problem for a few weeks. Now I have been stranded 2 times. Once i got out of the car and the doors locked on their own and kept unlocking and locking on their own! CONTINUALLY. I went home and found the transmitter... hoping for a miracle and returned and kept pushing buttons... also the lights in front and back were going off. I believe the siren was disconnected a long time ago. Anyways it finally let me in and after about 10 more minutes i was able to start the vehicle and still not sure how. Now the front and back lights wont stop blinking etc and just kills the battery which you cant start anyways because it wont let us start the car. PLEASE help! I did call the manufacturer -Audiovox ( Model PRO 92BT) and they told me to find a box that was the size of a pack and a half of cigarettes and unplug it.... so far i have found the shock sensor and that is all. We need to disarm this system so we can have a vehicle. I dont care that there will be no alarm. Do we need to take off the dashboard to find this box? We know nothing about cars-Nothing. So will this be a big undertaking? Guess that is what happens when you move to the BOONIES.
AnswerYep, needs to be extracted.
Have your husband read through
then get the wire color chart for the vehicle at
and then cut out the old system carefully, and restore
the truck to pre install condition.
Hint, remove the under panel from the steering column
to expose the ignition switch wiring and help
you locate the alarm brain.