Car Alarms: 1998 mercury tracer, valet mode, mercury tracer

Tracer with 65k miles on it purchased used. In great shape. After a few days I tried to open the door with the handle instead of the remote, while it was locked. It would not start for about 10 minutes. Over the last few weeks this has progressed to the point even if I use the remote to unlock it it will light up the dash indicators, but when I try to crank the engine it shuts off all power. I have to get out of the car open and close the hood lock and unlock the car from the remote and start it in neutral, nad reprogram the clock,etc;

Thanks, Joe

To start, look under the dash area for a button or,
a toggle switch. When you locate it, turn on the
ignition key, press and hold in the button (little
spring loaded micro button, red or black possibly)
until the alarm chirps 1 time. This should over ride
the system, and only the keyless entry part,
if installed, would still be operating.
The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid.=VALET/OVERIDE

This stops the alarm except for the keyless
entry if installed.

But once in Valet mode, it will allow the car
to start and operate like there was no alarm at all.

Let me know how it goes.