I have a 2004 Hyundai Elantra. This morning I went to unlock my car using the keyless entry and it did not work. I tried several times without luck. I also used my other remote, so the problem is not the batteries.
Then, I tried to unlock the door manually and this worked. Normally, it would have set off the alarm. (it is a factory alarm) However, it did not. Then when I went to start the car, I could not even turn the key in the ignition. I assume because the alarm disabled the car?
So what do I do?
I can't even find the LED/Override combination switch if I needed to reset the alarm. Do you know where it is located?
Thank you!
AnswerOk,should be no problem really.
It appears from your expaination, that the
after market car alarm is in valet/service mode.
Ok, try this.
Put the key in the ignition, and turn forward
all the way just before cranking. Then within
5 seconds, press and hold in the valet/overide
button, found under the dash area, usually to the
left of the leg drilled into a hidden away spot,
maybe it's part of the LED or if you have remote start,
(possibly part of the antenna on the windshield)
until the installed LED (the solid light)
in your dash area goes off, and the siren chirps twice.
(Your valet switch might be the toggle (on/off) type.
in this case, key on, flip switch in oposite direction,
key off.)
This should reset the alarm.
(If no valet switch exsists, then
I'd see an after market alarm installer
locally to put one in for you.)
Just Repeat these steps to place it
back to valet/service mode.
That should do it.
Let me know what happens.