QuestionQUESTION: Ok i have a 2004 mazda rx-8. Went to start it one day it wouldn,t do anything turn the key "nothing" so i changed the starter . No didn,t work took it to a machanic he has had it over a month tells me he thinks it's the security system I told him to By-Pass it & he can't figure out how , i'm the orig. owner & it's never been touched. So from what i have read u have said their is a reset/Valet button under the dash that if we can locate it push or toggle it the car should start because this By-passes the system or Resets the system ? Please Help is it that simple Thanx : Dave
ANSWER: Only after market systems have valet over ride switches.
From what you said, the RX8 is shut down from
the factory immobilizer, and I agree.
The IM05 bypass module is designed to circumvent this
but it's dependent on you having the original
programmed ignition key to do it.
Also, the system must not be damaged, or the code
lost from the keys or it won't do that.
Mazda may also need to reprogram the immobilizer code
for you to procede. Have that bit of info looked at
Good luck.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: So since the car is all original from the factory what you are saying is it most likely doesn't have a by-pass switch i need to install it.. ( If their is a switch where would it be and what does it look like )?? Is it possible that the code is screwed up & i need to have it towed to Mazda so they can re-program it .. That sucks they are 60 miles away.. Thanx So Much : Dave
AnswerAll things are possible. The valet is a little black or red button usually installed under the dash to the left of the leg area.
It's still likely I was correct in the first place.
The immobilizer will need resetting, and Mazda is the only
place that will do it.
Sorry about that.