Car Alarms: Lexus car alarm, alarmtek, lexus is 200

QUESTION: Hi there.  I have a 1999 Lexus IS 200 Sport.  The alarm on it is standard factory fitted, about 2 months ago i used the key remote to lock the doors and activate the alarm as usual.  Later when i went to open the doors and deactivate the alarm nothing happened.  Since then i have manually opened the door started the car and let the alarm go off for about 5 minutes and have been manually locking the doors ever since as the key remote does not seem to activate the car alarm or lock/open doors.  I have been to lexus garage to get new batteries in both sets of keys but issue has not resolved...please help!!

ANSWER: Please be more descriptive if possible.


I need to determine whether it's a factory alarm
issue or, if it's an aftermarket system you are
dealing with.

Is it: Headlights flashing, car horn honking
and a worded SECURITY" light in the dash flashing?
(doubtfull since none of the notes show this
car as having a factory alarm system)=FACTORY


is it: flashing parking lights,
an LED in the dash area, and a siren
going off?= AFTER MARKET

Let me know more on this to better
advise you on a course of action
to take.

Best Regards,

Robert Martin

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It sounds like an after market from what you have described.  Is there something i can do to rectify the fault?

 You'll need to set off the alarm for a few seconds.
Then, turn on the ignition
key, press and hold in the button
until the alarm chirps 1 time. This should over ride
the system, and only the keyless entry part,
if installed, would still be operating.
The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid.

At this point. the alarm would have reset.
If this had a starter kill relay installed,
it would now be opened, and the engine would
turn over when tried. This is override/reset.

You would repeat these steps to go back to
user mode but in your case, I'd leave it this
way until you can either get replacement
remotes or, replace the alarm with one
you know and understand how it operates for
the best overall experience (suggested!).

Let me know what you discover
& if you want to upgrade to a
better system.