Car Alarms: Installing doorlock actuators and relay, pin plug, actuators

I am installing a K-9 alarm and adding doorlock actuators. It comes with the dual relay kit. The relay has a 3 pin plug (green, red, and blue) that I plugged in the alarm. The relay kit also has separate blue, green, purple, brown, and white wires. I wired the Blue and Green to the Blue and Green from the actuator. When I arm or disarm the alarm with my remote, I can hear the relay's clicking but the actuators don't move. Do I need to use any of the other wires?

The best thing here is
to write to my OMEGA Alarm technician at
[email protected] and see if
he can assist you with this issue.

I unfortunately don't know the
system you are working with to advise
you properly on it's functions,
features or trouble shooting
information. Better to check with a tech
that might.

Good luck there.