Questionthe arlarm seems to keep the car from starting on hot days or after along trip when the engine gets really hot(but not hot enough to over heat).What is the cause of this and how can i fix it with out disabling the alarm all together? I already know of hte light green wire in the driver door kick plate to splice but my insuireance stays low due to the active alarm. is this normal or a sign somethign is seriously wrong with the car?
AnswerIt's a sign of wear and tear over several years of
use. Sensors can go bad. So can the PASSLOCK system
in this vehicle with over 10 years of use.
Sounds like it's starting to show part fatigue
or pre failure on this one. Not good, but certainly
NOT uncommon. The PASSLOCK system has a design flaw
that shows up like this over time. Too much use
and it wears out.
You can either have it inspected at Pontiac ($$$),
or bypass the passlock system now before
it becomes a bigger issue.
That's what I think your trouble stem from.
I hope it helps.