Car Alarms: Car alarm break in, mitsubitshi, dome light

I had my car broken into this past weekend, my GPS and Ipod were the goal. I drive an 08 Lancer with a factory alarm but it never went off. I think it maybe faulty. They first tried to pry open my window but shattered it instead, unlocked my door and left the dome light on. When I was informed I opened my unlocked passanger door but didn't think anything of it til after the fact. Mitsubitshi is trying to say that it's not one of those alarms what protects the windows, my point is they broke the window unlocked the door and opened the door. I reenacted it 7 times it went off twice. Is there something I can pursue? Not that it would've prevented them from breaking my window or stealing my stuff but maybe scaring them from continuing on with there rampage.

Ok, to start with, factory alarms suck. Never have
been very reliable. They will go off when
they "feel" like it. Bad :>( .

Have a look at .
By having 2 way remotes, will alow you to KNOW it's
your vehicle being broken into, and alow you to act on it.

Let me know what you think.