Car Alarms: remove or cut my alarm wire, alarm security system, original equipment manufacturer

i have acura 1999 3.5 rl when i lock my doors the alarm is turning on by it self i want to remove the alarm or cut the wire of alarm i dont know how pleas help me out thank u

If your system is after market:

It might arm itself. Chirps instead of honks.
The Parking Lights Flash, A siren Is Going Off,
Flashing LED In The Dash, And You May Have A
Shock/Impact Sensor Set Too High.
Try The Following Procedure To Disarm/Disable It.

To start with, you can identify which after market
system you have by using the FCC. ID.# found
on the back of each remote. Try a site
like or
to track down the one you have in your hand.

Now let's put the system into overide mode.

As far as the valet/overide button, it's a hidden
device-switch, a little spring loaded micro button,
red or black possibly and is probably down under
the dash area, near your knee/leg. In some
remote start/alarm combos, the antenna on the window
glass will also have an override/valet button.

When you locate the button or switch,
turn on the ignition key, press and hold
in the button until the alarm chirps 1 time.
This should over ride the system, and only the
keyless entry part, if installed, would still be

The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid. This is valet/overide/reset.
This should correct any issues like starter disable,
or anti-hijack. Your keyless entry, if installed,
will still be operable.

You would repeat the same steps to toggle
back into user mode.

That should do it for 90% of the after market alarms
out there.

If however it's a "FACTORY" or, OEM
(original Equipment Manufacturer) "alarm/security" system,
then the disabling procedure info for any given
specific vehicle is now considered to be too sensitive to
publish here (as suggested by ALLEXPERTS admin.!).

As of March,22 08, this service is no longer part
of the volunteer information I can offer for free here at . Specific OEM/FACTORY alarm disarm/disabling
info is now ONLY available as part of the WIREWERX installation
wiring charts we provide at , along with
the proper wire colors, polarities, and locations to install
a keyless entry, remote start or, car alarm system into any
given vehicle.

I hope you can appreciate the legal reasons behind not
providing this info any longer to just anyone who asks
for general consumption.

Please go to the WIREWERX so I can get you the
info you require to fix your situation.

Good luck with this issue.

Robert Martin-ALARMTEK