Car Alarms: Remote Start Problem., audiovox prestige alarm, vantage point

I have an Audiovox Prestige alarm/remote start which I've had on my truck since 1994. It has worked perfectly up until two weeks ago. The remote will engage the engine but it won't start. It will try this three times without success. I have not done anything to the truck to even cause this to happen. I've also noticed that the parking lights that normally come on during the remote start operation no longer light up. Can you help me figure this out? Thanks in advance.

I would get in there and do a fusable
link test to determine if it's a power issue,
but if it's been in there for years, it
may simply have electronic fatigue.

Hard to say why it simply stopped working
from my vantage point.

Like I said, go in and do an inspection
on the wiring for any annomolies.

If it's in override, go to
to aquire the manual and try to trouble

Good luck with it.