QuestionQUESTION: I recently purchased a 98 Nissan that came with an after market alarm system. Today, I disarmed the car with the remote. Two chirps. I went to start the car and it won't start. I thought it might be something weird with the alarm so I pressed the hidden reset button under the dash a couple of times. When I did, the headlights came on and off. The first time I tried just pressing the button a couple of times and it worked. The car started right up.
I was trying to figure out how the alarm had been set to disable the ignition or starter, but couldn't figure it out. In the process, I somehow set the alarm system to kill the ignition again.
At this point, I am simply trying to figure out how to get the car to start. The only thing I know about the car alarm is that it looks like it has an Audiovox Prestige system. I only think this because I googled the 1-800 number on the back. I tracked down the control module from following the little button I pressed to disable the kill switch. The part number that is on the control module is: 136-1887. The serial number is: 253221100011 -02.
Can anyone help with instructions on how to use this alarm? Or at least tell me how to start my car?
ANSWER: OK then, let's start by identifying the alarm you
have by using the FCC ID# on the back of the remote.
Please try a site like , or
and go through the search.
Once done, you may be able to go to the manufactures
web site and tell what is is and what it's capable
of doing. If it has the valet/overide under the
dash area, or part of the LED assembly, or even
if it's an LCD 2 way system, and the overide is
part of the antenna on the window glass.
All these tips may help you locate the valet
if after market.
If factory, you will have other issues.
But factory alarms do not arm themselves.
Let me know what you discover and we'll go from
there if you don't find an answer.
Good hunting.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I think I figured out that my model is an APS25HJ. Of course, the link for the owner's manual for this model is broken on the Audiovox website. It appears that the anti-hijacking feature is enabled and therefore I cannot start my car.
Any suggestions to get it started? I have e-mailed Audiovox to request a manual, but in the meantime I am unable to use my car.
Answertry this:
Put the key in the ignition, and turn forward
all the way just before cranking. Then within
5 seconds, locate, press and hold in the
valet/overide button, found under the
dash area, (push button, spring loaded)
until the installed LED (the blinking light)
in your dash area goes on solid,
and the siren chirps once.
(Your valet switch might be the toggle
(on/off) type. in this case, key on,
flip switch in opposite direction,
then turn the key off.)
This should reset the alarm, and reset
the grounded relay on the starter wire,
allowing you to start the engine.
At this point, the only thing working would
be the keyless entry from the alarm,
if it came equipped that way.
Just Repeat these steps to place it
back to usable armed mode.
You may get 2 chirps, confirming it,
and the lights may flash twice as well.
That should do it.