Car Alarms: 1998 Toyota Avalon Alarm Problem, car alarm installation, toyota avalon

I own a 1998 Avalon with a Pursuit Remote Alarm (by Audiovox).  Every once in a while, the alarm goes off as I try to unlock the door and I have to use the key to enter the car.  But then the alarm keeps sounding on lowdly and the car would not start.  It can go on like that for an hour and nothing seems to work.  And suddenly the alarm would stop and the car can finally be started.  All seems allright until a few days or weeks later and again the same thing happens without warning.  It happened tonight in 19 degree weather for 35 minutes.  But this time, I had to leave the car at the restaurant parking I had just left and take a taxi home.  What can be done? Thanks for your help.

This sounds like the connectors used are not making
direct wire to wire contact during very cold periods.
These contacts can include the power,
the ignition sense and the ground wires.

If any of these are not done right, and intermitency
can develope in extreme temps.

I suggest you get this inspected at a
local car alarm installation
shop to sniff out the mis-crimped, or connected
wire, and affect repairs to your satisfaction.

I hope this helps to solve your troubles.

Good luck.