Car Alarms: 2000 subaru outback wagon, subaru outback, outback wagon

A few months ago my car would not start some days. There was definately enough power. After a few tries it would eventually start. Along with this going on, during this time I noticed different patterns with the flashing of the LED security light. I took it to the dealer and of course they said it was the alternator and battery. After $475 for a new alternator and battery, the problem is coming back. I tried all day today to get it started. The security light is flashing in a 2 blink pattern. It does this if the car is locked or unlocked.

I definately believe the problem is the alarm. Is there any easy way to disconnect the system? Or if you have any other suggestions, I would appriciate it.

Thank you

Joe A. / Pennsylvania

This is what I know about this vehicle:
The variables...

If you are talking about the headlights flashing
and the car's horn honking, this is the "FACTORY"

If it's the factory alarm, you need the factory
remote paired to it to disable it. There is no
quick fix as it is integrated into the
door lock mechanism. Places like can sell you and help
you program a fresh Subaru remote to control it.


If this is a siren and the parking lights flashing,
and LED light in the dash blinking...
This is an aftermarket system.

The alarm is is long tamper mode.
You will need to reset it.

Ok, try this.
Put the key in the ignition, and turn forward
all the way just before cranking. Then within
5 seconds, locate, press and hold in the
valet/overide button, found under the
dash area, (push button, spring loaded)
until the installed LED (the blinking light)
in your dash area goes on solid,
and the siren chirps once.

(Your valet switch might be the toggle
(on/off) type. in this case, key on,
flip switch in opposite direction,
then turn the key off.)

This should reset the alarm, and reset
the grounded relay on the starter wire,
allowing you to start the engine.

At this point, the only thing working would
be the keyless entry from the alarm,
if it came equipped that way.

Just Repeat these steps to place it
back to usable armed mode.
You may get 2 chirps, confirming it,
and the lights may flash twice as well.

That should do it.
Let me know what happens.