Questionhave 96 mustang that had 3.8 engine changed computer wiring harness and 4.6 cobra motor pats system is activated will your universal pats system bypass work
AnswerThis is what the notes say:
TBKV - Universal Transponder Bypasskit
w/selectable key windings
TBKV is the latest universal transponder
bypasskit intended to keep pace with
advances implemented by the car manufacturers.
TBKV has features to select the optimum RFID pick up
sensitivity and modify the method used to transmit
to the factory transceiver. TBKV has selectable
windings to tune bypasskit to the same frequency
as the factory immmobilizer system & a latching
input & keysense input to prevent the immobilizer
from detecting multple RFID at the same time.
And available too..
...But that's all contingent on the system you have
there being in working condition already.
And if it is, then you would need a transponder key
programmed, 2 actually, so you can then circumvent it.
Stupid Catch 22 I know, but we just do remote starters
here. Yell at Ford.
Hope it helped some.