Car Alarms: 95 Grand Cherokee Alarm Disabling, jeep grand cherokees, purple wire

Hi, I was very happy to see your response to others' questions about disabling the alarm system in Jeep Grand Cherokees. Mine is not working right, it goes off about 4 out of 5 times when I enter the driver's side door. It's like rolling the dice whether I'll be embarrassed or not in a parking lot!

I read your advice to ground the yellow and purple wire going into the black plug under the dash at the driver's side kickpanel. I just looked and found that color wire going into two different plugs, does it matter where I cut it to splice it? Also should I connect both cut ends of the wire to the ground wire (two into one?) or just one?

Many thanks to you on this!!!

Hi Steve,
  Find the wire coming into the cab from the door jamb,
strip off some of the covering (1/4 inch), and add
a piece of simular wire to it. Then ground to the
chassis. Black tape over the copper and
you're all set at that point.

Have a fine one!
