Car Alarms: disabling 1997 Ford Factory Anti-theft alarm, rear cargo area, rear hatch
QuestionOK, I've tried your most recent advice on grounding the dark green/purple striped wire coming from the drivers side door wiring harness. However, the alarm continues to go off when I reconnect the battery. Does the battery have to be connected when I reset the alarm using the key in the drivers side door lock? Also I should add that the drivers side door lock has been sticking as of late, requiring me to unlock the vehicle from either the passenger side door or the rear hatch (door unlock switch inside the rear cargo area). Your advice up to now has been excellent but I'm still thinking something else might be buggering up the electronics on my truck. Also....there is a purple with green striped wire in the same this the wire you were identifying before as the one to disable the alarm system?
AnswerSure, but you have to think at this point it's
either not the correct wire coming in from the
drivers door you are grounding, or
you have other troubles bud.
If it's something else causing issues,
it's hard to say what would work short
of repairing the troublesome issues first to
see if that corrects the alarm falsing.