Questioni had the astro start alarm system, my remote only was bokren and i don't have another one, here in lebanon we don't have a dealer of astro start and if i want to buy a new remote from the internet nobody can program it here to work on the alarm, if i send only the alarm machine with no cables and the old remote with my cousin to america, can she buy me a remote and program it there to the machine. thank you alot really. she's going to new york where do u recommend her to go there.
You have asked me the same question 4 times now.
Same answer though. Please look elsewhere for this
answer as I simply provide that here.
The answer is I do not know if your cousin can get what
you need. I do not sell, install, or provde parts for
ASTRO START, and if you read the note I left on the
site, I do NOT provide remote transmitter programming
or information here.
Try They may have an answer to
your inquiry or you should contact ASTRO START
directly sir. Not me.
I would suggest buying a brand new system if
you can not locate ASTRO START.
Good luck.