Car Alarms: Python Remote Starter, jeep commander, yellow button

I have a Python Remote Starter on my 2006 Jeep Commander, since last year Xmas.  Just recently my car started freaking out, lights flashing, off and on, on the dashboard, the blower for my heater off and on, the gauges going up and down, the enginge light coming on.  I immediatedly took it to the dealership they say there were no codes, I need to take it back to where I had the remote started installed.  Before I do that, I like to be informed.  Can you give me any information.  Thank You

Oooop! You must have
missed the big yellow button on the
ALLXPERTS site. I don't supply that
service. You have the
wrong guy here. I don't
provide support for DEI equipment or they're
clientel. Too many people have been asking
for the service they should be providing, and
I won't do they're job here any longer.

I refer these folks to either my forum
at or, I have a
guy at [email protected] who might be able
to offer some insight. Good guy and he will treat
you right.

Sorry I could'nt be of more service.