we have a Mercedes 709d van which was purchased with the above alarm fitted.
It seems at present that a problem with power drainage,is causing the alarm to activate it's self. If we attempt to de-activate the alarm and then turn the van on, the alarm seems to be re-setting itself into an active state, as it is impossible to stop.
Although there does seem to be some response from the alarm fob, the system repeatedly returns to an active state.
Generally we first noticed a problem when the alarm began to intermittently make different sounds when activated.
We have been re-charging the batteries on the van to maintain the power level. These batteries are still fully functioning, but the difficulty with the alarm is persistant and increasingly difficult to turn off.
AnswerDo you have an over ride switch under the dash area?
If so, I would attempt to place it into valet, then
procede to make repairs to the battery recharging system.
(ie; Look under the dash area for a button or, a toggle
switch. When you locate it, turn on the ignition
key, press and hold in the button (little
spring loaded micro button, red or black possibly)
until the alarm chirps 1 time. This should over ride
the system, and only the keyless entry part,
if installed, would still be operating.
The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid. )
Without an overide, is it possible for you to
access the brain box, and unplug the main harness?
This should allow you to then inspect for the reason
for the drain, and repair.
Let me know a bit more about the alarm,
and if a button or switch exsists for
over riding the system.