Car Alarms: Scytek 5100 killing engine, inline fuse, car starter

Hi there. I have a scytek 5100 that keeps killing my engine. When i start the car it will turn over as usual and fire up but after a couple seconds something kills it. Now i assume it is the car starter because the engine and everything has been running perfectly and this problem just started happening. Now i pushed some buttons on the 2 way and eventually i tried starting the engine again and it fired up and kept running. So is there a way to fix this problem or to re-program or overide this?? Thanks in advance!

You should download the installation manual
and double check all connections. (
Sounds like a conflict in the buttons being pushed,
in what order, and when. Get the manual
and trouble shoot this. Best I can offer without
being there to do it for you.

Sorry, but it can be anything from an inline fuse to
to a bad relay. Just can't tell from here.

Good luck.