Car Alarms: 94 Dodge Eagle Vision 3.5 liter Alarm cuts engine, self tapping screw, oem system


I am working with a guy who broke down in my yard.  His car lights are flashing, and it appears to be an alarm issue - the car starts but then cuts off.  He found an answer about grounding out the green/orange line in the door, but it still cuts out.  Apparently, from what we understand, some part of the alarm system was removed at one time or another.  We have no idea how to get it to start now...

Any ideas?  We have tried the key in both doors.  Oh, and the door locks don't seem to work right - they don't lock -but make a noise like a window going up and down when you hit the electic lock/unlock button/key.



That wire is INSIDE the drivers side kick.
Not the one he found in the door. The security
module is located in the car. However if it
was damaged or, futzed with in any way,
then this method probably won't work.

Keep in mind we do this to install aftermarket
equipment, and not conflict with a factory alarm.
This is based on the OEM system working in the first

It's not an after market starter disable though.
You would not get the engine to even crank if it were.
So that discounts that.

Go ahead and locate that wire in the drivers side kick
area, and try to use a self tapping screw to ground
it to the body directly. If that does'nt fly, then
it's onto the parts shop at Chrysler to repair
replace the OEM system.

Good luck.