QuestionMy son's Jeep won't start. I have been told by the local shop it is the alarm. They replaced the alarm module and the ECU and it still won't start. Help!! Can I disarm it completely? I talked to Car Toys and they won't touch factory alarms. Actually, they said that year didn't come with an alarm.
AnswerThis is a surpize that "CarToys" would
say that. This vehicle absolutely does
have a factory alarm in it.
If yours is malfunctioning,
you can disable it for good by doing
the following:
purple/yellow |- negative polarity|
at the harness coming out of the door
in the driver's side kick panel.
Once Located, splice into this wire with
a simular guage wire, and put it to
a solid chassis ground. This terminates
the OEM alarm functions entirely.
However, at this point, this car would be exceedingly
easy to steel, so I suggest you get an aftermarket
alarm system to protect it from here on in.
Have a good day.