Car Alarms: My car remote can open but will not lock car., tiny screw, screw driver

QUESTION: My remote was working fine until 2 days ago.
When I press the lock button, I get no response - DEAD! no beeping sound, the doors don't lock and the automatic lights don't turn off (that's the response I used to get).
Now I have to lock the doors manually. However, when I press the unlock button, the car responds and the doors unlock. Any idea what the problem might be? Machines just frustrate me - aaaaahhhhh!

ANSWER: I know this is a silly question. You of
course did change the battery, right?
And is it maybe possible that your battery was low
or drained and you lost the programming on the
remote? Did you jump start the car perhaps in the
past  days?

Let me know a bit more of what
led up to this frustration please.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Actually no! I got a brand new battery about a month and a half ago (I only found out I needed a new battery because for the longest time, my car clock would mysteriously reset to 1AM). So no, I have not had to jump start my car at all. The button seems to have just died.

ANSWER: Hmmm, well ok, that's discounted. What about
the battery in the remote? Have you replaced
that as well?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No, I have not replaced it (I'd have to open the remote first to do that, right? and I wouldn't tamper with something like that ;-)
I didn't think it would be the battery in the remote because the unlock button works just fine. But what do I know?

I would, just to bring it up to snuff.
That is the last thing to do before we talk about
repairing or replacing...

Get a tiny screw driver out, take out the battery &
replace. Then try. Could be a bad remote, but
if you've never replaced it, could be as simple
as that. :>)
