Questionhi, i purchased a used car today which has an alarm installed. the alarm sounds each time i open the door and i have no idea how to silence it. i frantically hit the lock/unlock buttons on my checkmate key thingie. how do i prevent the alarm from sounding upon each entry?
AnswerSure, let's put it into valet/service mode.
Look under the dash area for a button or, a toggle
switch. When you locate it, turn on the ignition
key, press and hold in the button (little
spring loaded micro button, red or black possibly)
until the alarm chirps 1 time. This should over ride
the system, and only the keyless entry part,
if installed, would still be operating.
The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid.
This solves the problem for now.
Then if you want to remove it, take it to a local
after market alarm dealer and have it done there.
Have a nice day.