Car Alarms: Car Alarm, fuse box, mazda 626

I have a 1994 Mazda 626 4 cylinder LX

My car alarm sounds off if I lock the door from the inside, close the door, then unlock it with my key.  I let the alarm keep going till it goes off and i put my key in the ignition then it starts sounding off again.  How could I disable it or find some way to fix it?

Ok, get out some basic install tools or get
a friend or a good technician
in there to do this.

Normally, you would insert the key in
the drivers door, turn left, then right
to disarm and reset it. If yours is malfunctioning,
you can disable it for good by doing the following:

yel/rd or lt grn/blk |-|located in the drivers
door harness or at the factory security
module in the fuse box.

Once Located, splice into this wire with
a simular guage wire, and put it to
a solid chassis ground. This terminates
the OEM alarm functions entirely.

However, at this point, this car would be exceedingly
easy to steel, so I suggest you get an aftermarket
alarm system to protect it from here on in.

Have a good day.