Car Alarms: car alarm does not shut off, mazda protege, programming procedures
QuestionI have a 1999 Mazda Protege I am assuming that it has a "stock" alarm system. There is a small flashing red light to the left of the steering wheel. If it is pushed it either blinks continually or intermittently. I try to keep it intermittent. If I by chance mistakenly hit the button then the alarm goes off and continues until the battery dies. I have tried hitting all three buttons on the remote and nothing seems to work. How do I turn this off? or how can I disconnect it? It has just happened and it was 5:00 in the morning .....bummer for the neighbors, Please help? Bob
AnswerSounds like a Code alarm but I am
uncertain. Please try my forum at
INSTALLSUPPORT.COM and ask this question.
Somene should respond who may know the programming
procedures, or might have the manual.
Can also write to my Code alarm guy at
[email protected] . He also may be able
to assist.
Good luck.