Car Alarms: Prestige car alarm on 2003 GMC Envoy, prestige car, gmc envoy

My non factory alarm will arm, yet it will not lock the doors. I can lock the doors with the factory alarm although I have to make sure I disarm the non factory alarm or the factory alarm will go off. The shop that installed my alarm stated it was difficult to totally disarm my factory alarm so they over rode it. How can I reset the alarm so my non factory alarm will work 100%, and be able to lock the doors as well?

I would take it to another install shop and have them
redo the locks and put the factory alarm right.

I have a tech in Masapequa NY (long Island) that can
look into this for you.

Contact Chris Tursi
[email protected] / 516 426-7295
and discuss this with him.

Good guy, Great Tech.

Tell him I sent ya.

Good luck.