Questionyesterday my remote would not unlock my car but the green light on the remote was working. I even changed the battery but it still wasn't working. Anyways I think my alarm is not functioning but I cannot start my car so how can i unistall or turn the alarm system off so i cant start the car. I have a python alarm system FCCID EZSDEI475 and I've had it for at least 3 years now.
AnswerThis is an auto reply to the
DEI product question or, service request
you've made to ALARMTEK at
As it says on the site at, I don't do
DEI tech support here any longer.
They simply have too many issues
& problems. I will simply choose
that DEI supply you the answers for
your questions.
You can also try my forum for
intall techs who would have this
information as well.
Lastly, you can write to:
[email protected]
And ask for assistance.
They handle many of these
questions for us there.
Good luck with it.
Robert Martin/CEO