Car Alarms: 2000 Wrangler Alarm/kill switch Fails on me, jeep vehicles, immobilizer system

Please help because the dealership is ripping me off or can't fix my problem. On my Jeep the Security KEY light either FLASHES on me and the car doesn't start, Or just stays on and the car doesn't start, or Starts for a few seconds, then shuts off. This is the Kill Switch feature. I've had the Module that reads the KEY replaced. They Reprogrammed the keys also. But after i came home from the dealership..Same Problem. Constant blinking of the KEY Light or Stays on... Regardless the problem is, the car won't start, and its causing insane stress. Could it be the JEEPS computer? I had that replaced 2 years ago as well.. Or should i tow it back to dealer again and get ripped off some more?? Please help, i'll owe you one big time. Can i ByPass this thing? I don't want the kill switch, just want the car to run so that i can go to work. I'll buy a seperate alarm later if i have to. Thanks in advance.
AL... I love my jeep.. Just not that nagging problem..

Here's what I know to be true:

Jeep vehicles that use a gray ignition
key have an immobilizer system that needs
to be bypassed when remote starting.

Now if this applies, you can permananly bypass
using a bypass designed to momentarily bypass
the Jeep's immobilizer, and then simply grounding
the input to the module to the chassis.

That keeps the Jeep's Immobilizer from the factory
from ever disabling while grounded.
The modules are available here at my shop for
63.+ s&h if this is your situation.

Now, if it's the black ignition key,
there is an after market starter kill relay
in there and you can try valet overide if you can
locate a spring loaded button under the dash area,
turn on the ignition key forward, just before
cranking, then press and hold the button until
the alarm makes a response. That would be valet
overide, and you could start the Jeep if this

Stay in touch and let me know
what transpires.