Car Alarms: 99 Toyota Avalon alarm problems, toyota avalon, dash area

I have 99 Toyota Avalon w/ securikey+ alarm.  Recently, on two different occasions I had to enter the car manually with the key because the key  wouldn't automatically unlock the door.  Of course the horn sounded, lights flashed, car wouldn't start  etc.  Eventually  was able to get car started.  However, now while I am driving the lights flash and sometimes the the horn sounds( this started out as occasionally but now the lights flash almost constantly while the car is on) Sometimes, I am unble to unlock car  manually or with the key  fob.  I did try your suggestions to activate the valet switch. This did not help.  The valet button does not light up when pushed in, but I can hear it clicking and the lights still flash.

Don't think you have the correct "button" Renee.
The button does not light up in most alarms.
It's a spring type, push button usually under
the dash area to the left leg.
Red or black possibly in color.

Now, turn on the ignition key, press and hold
in the button until the alarm chirps 1 time.
This should over ride the system, and only
the keyless entry part, if installed,
would still be operating.

The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid.=VALET/OVERIDE

But if this does not apply, you may have to contact
a local installation tech to have
it inspected-repair-reset, removed & or replaced.

I hope this works for you.