QuestionHi there, i own a 1998 VW Jetta Diesel, and would like to install a Huatal Alarm, CMD Start, power lock and trunk, but all the shops in winnipeg here say they wont do it. How hard is it to install my self, i relize that this model has 3 Wiring Harness, and its also a Disel, do i would like a delay befor it starts, let me know what u think, thanks
AnswerI'd pass too.
This one has many issues. And if it's also a
standard transmission, makes this a 300.00 (US)
installation just in labor.
So if you are asking can you do this yourself, then
the answer I'd offer is no.
It's a tough vehicle to try to do a remote starter in
even for a qualified shop.
I hope you can find someone willing
to give this a shot.
Good luck.