QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2002 Altima SE. For about the last six months, I have been awoken between 2-4 AM by the lights and alarm going off on my car for no apparent reason. I asked the dealership what to do, they said take all batteries out of the keyfobs. I did and it still occurred. I was also told the car's battery could be the culprit. I replaced the battery and it still happened. I have resorted to disconnecting the battery at night which is obviously a ridiculous solution. Is there anything else that may be causing this? This is causing problems with neighbors and I have lost hours of sleep over this.
ANSWER: Sorry, but more input is required to give you
a good answer for this issue.
I need the make & model of the alarm system
if you know it please.
Also, is it a siren and flashing parking lights,
and an LED flashing in the dash when the alarm
"goes off"?
Is it the headlights flashing, a worded "security"
or "anti-theft" blinking light in the dash cluster,
and the car's own horn honking?
This info helps me determine what alarm system
(after market or OEM-factory) that you are dealing
Let me know and I will see if I can help you.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for your prompt response. The alarm is the keyless entry/factory security system provided by Nissan - not aftermarket, absolutely OEM factory. When the alarm goes off it is the headlights blinking and the car horn honking. There is a small red LED light that blinks on the top side of the dash when the system is armed. It is not part of the dash cluster.
Thank you for your help. I have two kids under two losing sleep when I forget to disconnect the battery so this situation is desperate.
AnswerOk, a bit of work is involved in terminating
a factory NISSAN alarm system.
Normally, you would insert the key in
the drivers door, turn left, then right
to disarm and reset it. If yours is malfunctioning,
you can disable it for good by doing the following:
white/blue |-| at the door lock switch in
the drivers door. Meter these wires while turning the
key in the driver door key cylinder.
Once Located, splice into this wire with
a simular guage wire, and put it to
a solid chassis ground. This terminates
the alarm functions entirely.
However, at this point, this car would be exceedingly
easy to steel, so I suggest you get an aftermarket
alarm system to protect it from here on in.
Hope you can nail it for the neighbors, (and your)