Car Alarms: Add On Alarm- Mercury Mounatineer, ford mercury, passive system

What is the procedure for adding additional alarm system, to include dome light activation, in conjucntion with existing Ford/Mercury passive system ?

This answer is too long and involved for
this website Jerry. I don't explain entire
installations on specific vehicles here,
sorry about that.

Unfortunately, you are asking for a complete
description for an installation, and I don't do
that here on the ALLEXPERTS site.

Have a read through at  for general
installation info to assist if you are not
interested in paying for a complete virtual installer
session (40.00 for 2 hours).
You can get the wiring chart for the
Mountaineer at for 5 bucks though.
This info will be a great help for this project as

Sorry it can't be more, but this venue at
is a volunteer site, limited in scope, and I will only
go to a certain point with free information here.

I hope this helps you get started though.

Good Luck,