Car Alarms: 1993 Silverado, reverse polarity, chevy silverado

QUESTION: I'm installing a Valet 712T in my 1993 chevy silverado. I have wired the unlock wires to the module and the remote works for unlocking. but I cant find the right wire for locking the truck with the remote. said it is a light blue wire but when i wired it the whole driver side door lock stopped working and the remote could no longer unlock the truck. any input would be great.

ANSWER: The color is correct, however,
it's more then likely, a 5 wire reverse door lock
system and will require relays if that Valet system
does not include them built in:

Notes: This trucks door lock options are:
5 wire (type C) on the two door models, and positive trigger (type A) on the four door and keyless entry

Yours sounds like option 1. Please
try again.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The relays are built into the module
ANSWER: Then go ahead and change over to 5 wire reverse.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have tried that also. the i took the black and white wire for the door unlock and wired it to the brown/black and blue/black on the module. Then i wired the white/black and green black wires to the light blue wire for the door lock and nothing happened.  the drivers door stopped working.  My turck is a 2 door model so i know the door locks are reverse polarity. is there another wire in that group that could be the lock wire? or did i receive a bad module?

You need to CUT the wires to do this, not tap.

Cut the lock and unlock wires with
enough room to work.

Now you have 4 wires to attatch from your
door lock harness

2 coming from the switch, into the truck cab,
and 2 that are on the inside of the drivers cab or, reffered to as the motor side of the switch.

Now re follow the diagram for 5 wire reverse again
in the manual. Attatching the proper wires to the
proper sides.

The last wire would be to positive source if I
can visualize your door lock set up from
past experience.

Please go back and do it again. Tricky system.
