Car Alarms: passat 1998 alarm, passat v6, best bet

hi,  i got a 98 passat v6.  every once in a while for no reason the alarm starts going off.  the windows stop working the horn starts going off.  how can i disengage this alarm permanently.  i have not been able to locate the alarm module, is there another way.  it would be appreciated.  p.s. my car is not starting now cuz the alarm went off and i took out the wire to the alarm speaker located in the rear left of the trunk.  now when i reconnected the battery the car won't turn over so i think i need to diconnect the alarm totally to get it started again.  thanks for you help in advance.

VW's are problematic. Your best bet in this
case unfortunately, is at the dealer itself.

They will reset the alarm and then reprogram your
key for you while you wait.

I wish I had better news, but even I
have to go there when my own 99 Passat 20T

Good luck.