Car Alarms: Wet Remote, clifford alarm, alarmtek

I have a Clifford alarm that was already installed in my '94 Acura Integra and have no idea what model or any fcc # or anything else to tell what kind I have other than I have 5 buttons on my key fob, have keyless entry and light flash. I did a dumb-ass and jumped in the lake with my keys and now I can't arm or dis-arm my alarm. I have the fuse at the battery pulled so I can use my vehicle but that leaves the car unprotected and I'm not very comfortable with that. Do you have any ideas or recommendations for me on how to solve these problems?
Thanks For Any Help You Can Give Me!!!

No, As it said clearly
on the site at,
I don't do DEI tech support here.

Please try my forum for
intall techs who do have this
information. www.INSTALLSUPPORT.COM

Or write to:
[email protected]
And ask for assistance.

Robert Martin/CEO