QuestionHi! I accidentally turned on the alarm while my daughter had the door open on
our 2003 RAV 4 (AutoMate 435 Alarm System) and now the car is in permanent
valet mode. The light on the dash is lit whenever the car is off. The remote
opens the doors and the headlights blink, but the horn does not sound. How
can I turn the alarm back on? Thanks for your help! : )
AnswerNo, sorry but I don't sell, support,
or service DEI equipment or they're past or,
present clientel here.
However if you need help with your
Directed electronics
alarm system, contact my collegues at
[email protected] .
They have volunteered to field these questions
for us here at ALARMTEK as a courtesy to me.
Please be kind, as they are not paid to help you.
They do this to advance the support to the
after market that DEI will not.
Good luck with it.
Tell them I sent you!
Robert Martin/CEO