QuestionI have a 94 Honda Accord EX. I am told that this car doesnt come with a
aftermarket keyless entry alarm, but i cant find the valet button anywhere. my
alarm will not turn off and i cant disable through the remote as i have
misplaced it. when i look under the dash all i see is a small green box that
says "MAS los angeles" its the only thing under there that doesnt look OEM,
but theres not button on the box just small knobs with numbers. Im going
nuts, i need to shut this alarm off so i can drive my car.
AnswerIn this case, whoever told you that,
was mis informed. The only way you have
alarm issues in this car is if there were
indeed an after market system.
It's entirely possible the valet switch/button
was simply not installed, but look some more.
Unplug that box. That will stop the siren but if it
has starter kill, you'll need to also
repair the BLACK/WHITE wire in the ignition.
This is the starter wire. If installed, there
would be a starter disable relay in line that you
may need to cut out so you can start it if engaged.
For product help, get any FCC id numbers off
that box. MAS = "micro alarm systems".
Give them a call for some help.
They are located in Vernon Cal. 800 773-2999
On Monday, you can try calling to identify the unit
you have, and get some assistance with locating
the spring loaded black or red button, usually
located under the dash area, possibly to the left
of the knee embeded into the plastic.
They should be able to get you on the right track.
Good luck with it.