QuestionQUESTION: i need how to program a remote for toyota camry from year 2000 and above,also i ordered a new key with ecu and ignition set for jeep liberty,the key starts but stalls.
I do not provide remote transmitter
programming information here!"?
So sorry, but the note I left on stating I don't
provide transmitter programming info
must have been missed by you.
Wish I could, but I simply don't provide
that sort of information here at ALARMTEK.
Too many veriables.
I will double check to make sure the
note is still there or, needs to be enlarged
so my visitors will actually read it.
So, if I am mistaken, my sincere apollogies.
If I am not, then this info is
presented as a guide to who might be able
to help you out.
Please try a site like , or
to get they're programming instructions for your
transmitter, or to aquire new ones.
My other advice is try the service department at your
local car dealership to help with this issue.
Good hunting.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: thank you for the answer given,i realy appreciate.Now you left the other part of the question out which is ....i just changed the ECU with the key to a LIBERTY JEEP(millenium model),but the vehicle starts and stalls after 5 secs.How do you think i can relearning or reset the ECU for proper system recognition.Thank you for the sponteaneous response as usual.
AnswerThe trouble here is the Diemler/Chrysler/Jeep
smart key transponder system is now engaged,
and has locked out the fuel injectors.
I'd have to say go to Jeep and have
them inspect and reprogram your
two ignition keys for the best resluts.
Anyway, this is a Jeep dealer issue
if you want this done correctly.
Good luck.