QuestionQUESTION: Hi. I have a 1993 Porsche 911 with a Clifford (model unknown) unit on it which you have to push a key which looks like a headphone plug into a module which has a headphone female jack below a flashing LED. It should make the LED go out and you can then start. It has been harder to disarm recently and has now stopped working, i.e. light keeps flashing. I would like to get rid of the whole thing or at least start it to get it to a shop. It has 4 thin wires coming out of the back. I understand a couple might be + & - and the other two may lead to a starter relay spliced in to starter wires to immobilize. Cant really see where they lead into firewall or come out of it. Can i just isolate the + & - (how?) and join the other 2 together? Thoughts? Thank-you for any help at all - Jim.
ANSWER: This is an Automated Response to
your inquiry from
No Sorry,
You must have missed, or did not read
the big fat "BEFORE YOU ASK" button I put up on the
site you just came from, but just to be clear,
I don't do anything here for Directed Electronics
clientel. (Past or present)
These would include:
Automate, Valet or, Avital customers.
I do/will not provide DEI installation manuals,
installation services, product support, or anything else
here for any car alarm or, remote starter system,
sold at DEI (directed electronics).
They have asked us to kindly not provide these services
to you as they're policy is to not supply
INSTALLATION guides, or any kind of free product support
to they're own customers due to "Dealers Only", pay for
continued support, set up they are so famous for.
Apparently, they are not as intersted in helping
the "END USER" (you) to help themselves as I am
with my own customers and equipment buyers,
as it cuts into they're bottom line.
Pitty. But it is, what it is.
I know It's unfair, & unfortunate,
but since they asked nicely,
(and I don't care to go to court over it)
that I do not provide this help as well,
I must respect that position,
as I hope you do & can as well.
However, you can get USER manuals at
or, use they're Dealer Locator to get services or
they're products near you.
Sorry, but it's they're company policy,
not mine.
Good luck.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Sorry for missing that - unbeleivable of them. Replacement purchase won't be from them. Maybe they wouldn't object to you narrowing down which model or models of theirs I might have (with the headphone jack type key) so that I might be able to save me/them some time when using any opnline service they might offer. You guys have your head in the right place. Thanks for trying.
AnswerGive my friend twelvoltz a shot in my forum at .
He's really pretty good at
identifying they're stuff.
When ready to give up on patching together that old system,
let me know and I'll be glad to get you into something
much better.
Thanks for the support!
Please try a site like , or ,
to get a new remote. Better chance of getting some real help.