QuestionQUESTION: Hi can someone please help me i have an ASTRA 777 in an 2001 impala and it
keeps going off for no reason and every time it says the front door is being
opened but its not someone please help me!
ANSWER: Apears you don't have it on the
correct door trigger
and it's faulsing.
Need to go back to the installer and
have them redo that part of it.
If not, you will always have this
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: ok now when im driving at night my lights that are at my driver and passenger
feet turn on not my dome light just those lights that are light up the driver
and passenger feet
AnswerI suggest at this point Keith you actually get
the wiring chart for the car to verify connections,
and also NO lights should be on at all when the ignition
is in the on position, so you still have the wrong
wires set up. There are 2 door triggers in this car,
and it appears you are using 1 or 2 wires
on the 777 that are not to be used here at all,
1 in particular that without a relay, will do
damage to the 777's CPU!
Anyway, I still do suggest you go back to the seller for
support on this installation. Unfortunately, I
have a policy here of not doing the tech support
on products I sell here for my competitors clientel
for free.
Good luck. I hope you can get the support
you deserve on this from your seller.