QuestionIn 2006 I purchased a used 2002 ford focus. The previous owner had an automate aftermarket lock system installed on the car. About 6 months after I owned the car the lock system stopped locking/ unlocking all 4 car doors with the key fab. It now only locks and unlocks the driver door. Then about 8 months after owning the car the aftermarket lock system blew 2 different fuses that were related to the break switch on my car causing my car to get stuck in park (some saftey feature on my car when the break signal isn't working). I had the fuses replaced and 2 months later it happened again. This time I went through 7 fuses in one day which blew immediately one right after the other after replacing them. Coincidentally both times the fuses blew we had been experiencing heavy amounts of rain. Does anyone have any idea what may be going on with my lock system and what I can do to alleviate the problem?
AnswerIt sounds as if the relays are either burnt out
or are going that way. All things being equal,
if the system worked fine for a long while,
then all this trouble starts happening, my
guess is the wiring is getting wet somewhere.
Most likely in one of the door interiors.
Best suggestion now is to inspect each after market
door lock actuator, and it's wiring/relays, to
find the bad or "soaked" one.
Sorry, but without first hand inspection, my
advice here is to have a tech get into this
project to repair/redo all facets of the Automate
I hope this puts you on the right track.