Car Alarms: Auto Start, brain box, command loop

I have a '98 Chev Silverado Pickup with a Command Start (555) in it. Yesterday, it kept restarting over and over again. How do I fix this?

To start with, unplug the brain box.
Next, locate the passlock module and measure
the levels again for PASSLOCK II, to determine
it's ok. Then finally, make certain all connection
points are installed correctly, and replug.

It's eprom could have been stuck in a command loop,
and needed to power down and reset, or, it
is damaged somehow and needs a bench

Either way, if left in unchecked, it will cause
damage to your vehicle, in a remakabley short
period of time.

Start buy unplugging the brain from it's harnesses,
and wait 1 min. Then replug and check the situation.

Then let me know what happened.

Luck with it.