Car Alarms: problems with alarm transmitter, nissan extera, viper car alarm

I currently own a Viper Car alarm 771xv. Recently I dropped it into a pool of salt water and it stopped sending the signal to my car. I figure it is either that the alarm lost the programming for the car, or the alarm itself is busted.

I am looking to buy a new one, however I am told that to program it I need to have the valet switch. When I bought my car the previous owner installed the alarm and I never actually saw the switch. Is there any way you could describe it to me or at least tell me a few logical places where it might be. I have a Nissan Extera 2004 if that helps.

The transmitter still has power however I am wondering if I can still use it. Any help would be appreciated.

I can't speak to the Viper alarm itself
as I do not sell the products here.

But the valet switch is a black or red
pushbutton I believe, found under
the dash area, probably to the left leg,
or is in the antenna on the windshield.

Go to for your user
manual for the procedure for programing
and replacement info as well.

Good luck.
