Car Alarms: Disarm Hornet DEI, toyota camry, 12 volt

I had a Hornet DEI on my toyota camry 92, pretty old car. For some reason my remote just dead and before the remote died, I armed the alarm.

Now, I just want to disarm the alarm system for good. I did open the door and opened the hood cut the buzzer, disconnect the battery, reconnect but still didn't do it.

I'm looking forward to seeing your replied.

Ooop. Sorry, If you did not notice it,
but there is a big flashing link button to the
Q&A forum On the site you just came from.

Was It not functioning, or removed some how?

Hmmm, I'll have to double check that link
right away to make sure it was as clearly written,
LARGE enough, and placed in plain sight like I
thought it was :>( .

In the meantime, you should take this inquiry
to the 12 volt installers forum.

Let me explain.

I am not the Viper tech in the ALARMTEK family.
My friend and collegue TWELVOLTZ is the
man on these issues.

Please take this question to my
resident DEI/Hornet/Python/Viper/Clifford
tech at my online 12 volt installation
forum at:

Good luck with it.