QuestionMy remote is broken so I went to buy a new one and saw online that the viper remote, I think the model number is 479V would work with my Clifford system. The remote looks the same aside from the color and a little round button on the back with a "p" on it.
I went and followed the directions to program the remote to the system and have had no luck. I installed the system myself nearly a year back and have had no problems with any of the sensors being hooked up wrong or the remote not working as it is supposed to so I assume that everything is on the up and up there.
I had a feeling that maybe the valet switch was unhooked too so I checked that and find that when I turn the car on and off and hit the switch that security system LED does in fact light up as it is supposed to.
So... What could I be doing wrong? Is this remote not really going to work with my system? I saw a note on your forums about the 3.5 systems being a little different software wise so I was wondering.
As of right now, the method of programing I have done are as follows:
Open a door, turn the key to on (I have put it to on as well as full starting the car), hit the valet button 1 time (for standard programing) and then hit it again and held it. Then pushed buttons on the remote. Sometimes I held them down too. All times I got the signal from the remote where it beeps and shows me the antenna icon and got no response from the car.
Thank you for all your help and sorry for the long email.
-Chris Maiden
AnswerSorry, If you did not notice, there is a link to the
DEI-clifford Q&A forum On the site
you just came from. Was It not functioning?
If not, I'll double check that link right away.
In the meantime, you should take this inquiry
to the 12 volt installers forum.
Let me explain.
I am not the Viper/Clifford tech in the ALARMTEK family.
My friend and collegue TWELVOLTZ is the
man on these issues.
Please take this question to my
resident DEI/Hornet/Python/Viper/Clifford
tech at my online 12 volt installation
forum at:
Good luck with it.