QuestionI have a second hand Toyota Tacoma 4 WD Year: 2000 with a Clifford G4 Car alarm that was preveously installed by the original owner. Several times, the car suddenly will not start. An auto mechanic near where my car broke down said it was the alarm; he also determined that it wasn't getting spark. He also does not know anything about car alarms and refuses to work on it. This is too bad since he is the only mechanic for 60 miles in all directions.
I disconnected everything going to the alarm and it still won't start. The alarm is a Clifford G4 Prime level 4 Security Upgrade Package. Any ideas?
AnswerThere seems to be a starter kill relay keeping
you at bay. You need to get under the dash, locate
the BLACK wire off or the ignition switch harness,
cut out the after market wiring (relay and socket)
then re attatche the 2 free ends of the starter wire
back together.
This will allow the truck to start, then you
can finish the removal process.
That should do it for ya.
Good luck.