Car Alarms: 2-way car alarm question, loud speaker, must be a way


First off, thanks for offering your expertise! Ok so now to my question:

I jsut bought/had-installed a Nitro BMW 2-way security system with the LCD status pager. Everything seems to be working fine, but there is a problem with the pager unit. Built into the pager is an extremely loud speaker that beeps at you once a minute when you are out of range of the car. It stops after a while, but will start again whenever it pleases.

It seems obvious that this is a ridiculous and stupid feature seeing as one spends most of one's time out-of-range. There simply MUST be a way to disable the "out-of-range" beep on the pager. If not, this thing is completely un-usable.

Any ideas?


Nope, that's a permanant fixture of that 2 way remote.
Read in the manual to be certain, but unless it says
you can toggle from that feature, your going to have
to pop the batt. out of the remote to stop it
each time.

Wish I had better news, but I have heard of
this before. Not alot you can do on this one
I'm afraid.

If looking for a good one,
See the Galaxy 5000 rsw 2 2way.
Not annyoying.

Have a good day.